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Kompakt Müon Solenoid iç yayınları:

  1. ”Beam Test Results from a Fine-Sampling Quartz Fiber Calorimeter for Electron, Photon and Hadron Detection”, CMS Note-1997/040.

  2. ”Test Beam of a Quartz Fibre Fibre Calorimeter Prototype with a Passive Front Section”, CMS Note-1997/041.

  3. ” Preliminary Results from in Situ Quartz Fiber Neutron Irradiations”, CMS Note-1998/056.

  4. ”Electromagnetic Shower Profile Measurements in Iron with 500 MeV Electrons”, CMS Note-1999/019.

  5. “Darkening of Quartz Fibers Irradiated by 300 MeV Electrons at CERN”, CMS

  6. ”Radiation-Hardness Studies of High OH Content Quartz Fibers Irradiated with 500 MeV Electrons at CERN”, CMS Note-2001/020.

  7. ”Beam Test Results of a Longitudinally Segmented Quartz Fiber Calorimeter with High Energy Electrons and Pions”, CMS Note-2002/017.

  8. ”QP Optical Fiber Quality Control For The CMS-HF Detector At Polymicro Technologies, LLC”, CMS IN-2002/028.

  9. “Results From the Beam Test of the CMS Forward Quartz Fiber Calorimeter Pre-Production-Prototype (PPP-I)”, CMS IN-2002/064.

  10. “Cerenkov and Luminescence Background Estimates in a QuartzĞIron Calorimeter”, CMS IN-2003/027.

  11. ”Energy Resolution and the Linearity of the CMS Forward Quartz Fiber Calorimeter Pre-Production-Prototype (PPP-I)”, CMS Note-2003/030.

  12. ” Feasibility of Radiation Damage Monitoring in HF Using Reflection of Fiber Ends”, CMS IN-2003/050.

  13. “Search for SUSY in Missing Transverse Energy plus Multi-Jets at sqrt(s) = 14 TeV and Geant4 Simulation of the CMS Hadronic Forward Calorimeter in the 2004 Test Beam”, CMS TS-2006/005.

  14. “Jet and Event Electromagnetic and Charged fraction in CMS”, CMS IN-2006/010.

  15. “Evaluation of the Missing Transverse Energy shape systematic uncertainty due to tails in the jet resolution at CMS”, CMS IN-2006/015.

  16. “Jet Triggers and Dijet Mass”, CMS Note-2006/069

  17. ”CMS Sensitivity to Dijet Resonances”, CMS Note-2006/070.

  18. “CMS Sensitivity to Quark Contact Interactions with Dijets”, CMS Note-2006/71.

  19. “CMS Sensitivity to Quark Contact Interactions using Dijets”, CMS AN-2006/013.

  20. “CMS Sensitivity to Dijet Resonances”, CMS AN-2006/024.

  21. ”Inclusive missing transverse energy+multijet SUSY search at CMS”, CMS AN-2006/089.

  22. ” Inclusive SUSY Searches using Missing Energy plus Multijets in pp Collisions at √s=14 TeV with CMS” , CMS CR-2006/ 070.

  23. “Performance Studies of Prototype II for the CASTOR forward Calorimeter at the CMS Experiment”, CMS Note-2007/001

  24. “Radiation-hardness measurements of high OH content quartz fibres irradiated with 24 GeV protons up to 1.25 Grad”, CMS Note-2007/003

Kompakt Müon Solenoid'le ilgili diğer yayınlar:

  1. Beam Test Results from a fine-sampling quartz fiber calorimeter for electron, photon and hadron detection, NIM A399(1997) 202-226..

  2. Test beam of quartz-fiber calorimeter prototype with a passive front section , NIM A400(1997) 267- 278.

  3. On the differences between High-Energy Proton and Pion Showers and Their Signals in a Non-Compensanting Calorimeter, NIM A408 (1998) 380-396.

  4. Test Beam Results of CMS Quartz Fibre Calorimeter Prototype and Simulation of Response to High Energy Hadron Jets,NIM A409 (1998) 593-597.

  5. Electromagnetic shower profile measurements in iron with 500 MeV electrons, NIM A471 (2001) 303-313.

  6. Effects of Radiation and Their Consequences for the Performance of the Forward Calorimeters in the CMS Experiment, CMS-VFCAL Collaboration, NIM B187 (2002) 66-78.

  7. Radiation-Hardness Studies of High OH-Content Quartz Fibres Irradiated with 500 MeV Electrons, NIM A490 (2002) 444-455

  8. Energy Resolution And The Linearity Of The Cms Forward Quartz Fiber Calorimeter Pre-Production-Prototype (Ppp-I) , Jour.Phys.G : Nucl.Part.Phys. 30 (2004) N33-N44.

  9. Testing the Readout Electronics of the CMS Tracker Modules with LT Setup, Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 3 (2006) 256-260.

  10. The CMS high level trigger. Eur.Phys.J. C46 (2006) 605-667.

Tezler ve Bitirme Projeleri

  1. The Design And Tests of The Very Forward Calorimeter Of The CMS Detector At Large Hadron Collider, İsa Dumanoğlu, Ph.D. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi,  2001
  2. On The Testing Of CMS Tracker Outer Barrel Silicon Microstrip Detector Modules, Kenan Söğüt, Ph.D. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi,  2005
  3. Search for SUSY in Missıig Transverse Energy Plus Multıjet Topologıes at 14 TeV and Geant4 Simulation of the CMS Forward Calorimeter in the 2004 Test Beam, Taylan Yetkin, Ph.D. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2006
  4. CMS Sensitivity To Quark Contact Interactions With Dijets And CMS Hadron Calorimeter Response Studies, Selda Esen, Ph.D. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2006
  5. LHC Hızlandırıcısındaki CMS Deneyinin HF Kalorimetresinin Test Verilerini Kullanarak HF’in Temel Özelliklerinin Araştırılması, Halil Özkurt, Ph.D. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi 2007 
  6. CMS(Compact Müon Selenoid) Deneyinde Kullanılacak olan VFCAL(En İleri Kalorimetre)’ın Çözünürlüğü, Hıdır Özdemir,  M.S. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 1999
  7. CMS(Compact Müon Selenoid) Deneyinde Kullanılacak olan VFCAL(En İleri Kalorimetre)’ın Enerji Linerliliği, Sündüs Sancar, M.S. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2000
  8. CMS Deneyindeki En İleri Kalorimetredwe Kullanılan Liflerin Radyasyon Dayanıklılığı Araştırmaları, Halil Özkurt, M.S. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2000
  9. CMS(Compact Müon Selenoid) Deneyinde Araştırılacak Fizik Konuları, Selda Esen, M.S. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2001
  10. Yüksek Enerji Fiziğinde Kullanılan Kalorimetreler, Bayram Tali, M.S. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2001
  11. CERN’deki CMS Deneyinde Standart Model Higgs Bozonu Aranması, Didar Dobur, M.S. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2002
  12. Standart Model Higgs Bozonunun Simülasyonu, Deniz Sunar,M.S. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2002
  13. CMS Deneyinde CP Kırınım Araştırmaları, Salim Çerçi,M.S. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2003
  14. CMS Deneyindeki HF detektörünün Karakteristiklerinin İncelenmesiö Songül Kayış, M.S. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2004
  15. CMS Deneyinde Kullanılan Fiberlerde Cherenkov ve Luminesans Olaylarının İncelenmesi, İlknur Kara, M.S. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2004
  16. CMS Deneyindeki HF Detektörünün Test Verilerinin Analizi, Aysel Yetiş, M.S. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2004
  17. HF detektörünün Liflerinin Kalite Testleri, Hüseyin Çelik, M.S. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2005
  18. Yüksek Enerjilerde proton-proton Etkileşmelerinin Simülasyonu, Neslihan Akgül, M.S. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2005
  19. CMS(Compact Müon Selenoid) Deneyindeki CASTOR Detektörünün test Veri Analizleri, Nalan Aksay, M.S. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2006
  20. Jet Energy Calibration Studies, Mehmet Vergili, M.S. Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2006
